Project Name
Submitter Name
Company Name
Contact Email
Answers to the following should be kept short in bullet point format and should demonstrate measurable results. We also encourage a separate presentation to supplement the below, although priority will be given to the below answers.
1. Asset/investment description:
2. Overall investment strategy with rationale and key objectives:
3. Outline the asset management plan explaining specific initiatives linked to the investment strategy:
4. Results from the asset management initiatives that demonstrate improved operating performance and/or increased real estate value (this may include but not limited to detailed operating KPI improvements, market penetration/positioning, customer review scores, real estate valuation uplift):
5. Environmental, Social, and Governance Criteria – explain how ESG considerations were considered at the planning stage and how this flowed through into the results:
6. Where applicable explain how the hotel(s) have prepared for the recovery after Covid / how the hotel(s) have been able to make the most of the moment when growth returned:
7. Outline what specificity/aspects makes your asset(s) "unique" and why you believe that your project should be chosen as the winner: